Football Fundraising Ideas for your team, PTO or school.
Many fundraising teams have us print football with the team mascot and logo... and without paying anything upfront. (We accepts school purchase orders or you can team up with a local business to sponsor you)How is this done?
Find a sponsor : In this sample the football team found a local pizza to co sponsor the order of the footballs to be custom printed. At time the sponsor will pay for the whole production. The footballs then have imprint of the school team logo and also a coupon for a discount at the sponsor's place of business. It's a win - win proposition. For example the cost of 100 footballs with one color imprint on the front is $2.15 per ball, or if you wanted to fit two sponsors on the same ball, you can have imprint on the front with one sponsor and imprint on the back with another sponsor, then just add $0.35 per ball for the reverse side imprint in one color. You can get the sponsor(s) pay for the footballs and then distribute the footballs at your football games. You can sell those for whatever you want to charge. If the sponsor paid for the whole order, you can sell the balls for something symbolic, say $1.50 or $2.00 a ball or if you contributed a share of the cost then you can raise your selling price by whatever you see appropriate. The sponsor gets the benefit of repeat advertising as the coupon (in our example the ball has 10% off on large pizza) is reusable every time a customer brings the ball to the vendor or for a certain period after the football game. The vendor gets extra and repeat business and your team just raised extra funds!
- Football Fundraising Idea Who would not want to spend a buck or two for a great mini football with the team logo, when this football will return their contribution by earning a great discount at the local restaurant, oil change, auto repair service or other places who will team up with your school to promote their products and services.
- For additional colors add 0.35 per color
- For back side imprint add 0.35 per color
- For stock stripes add 0.30 per ball